1. Start by logging into your Mykw.kw.com account. The screen looks like this. Your username was assigned when you joined, usually, it's your first initial and last name, possibly followed by a number. Your password was originally assigned as something generic (Keller697 variation). It was then recommended to be changed after all your orientations.
3. Roll over Reports, Associate, and Multi-Year Trends. If you click the Folder, you'll be able to access previous months (this isn't as necessary for MYT, however, is useful for other reports). If you click the green plus button, it adds to your Favorites so moving forward you can roll over the Favorites at the top and access it easily.
4. You will be able to download your full Multi-Year Trends, which has been tracking your numbers from when you began with Keller Williams (if you left and came back, there may be a gap). Your CGI appointments are added by YOU the agent through your CGI numbers, and now Kelle!! Ask a staff member if you have more questions on how to update these. The rest of the numbers are filled in from Transmittal data.